If you ask a layman with just a cursory understanding of technology, to explain Artificial Intelligence, they would certainly link it to robots. However, an AI researcher would define it in this way. Artificial Intelligence can be considered as a collection of algorithms that has the ability to generate results without us having to instruct it how to do exactly the same.
In fact, we can consider both the answers as right, but in their own ways. Let’s try to summarize the definition. Artificial Intelligence is:
- An intelligent entity created by us (humans).
- It is capable of performing and carrying out tasks intelligently and we don’t even have to instruct it to do so.
- It is capable of acting and thinking humanely and rationally.
It’s an integral branch of CS/IT that aims to clone human intelligence in robotic machines. Robots, machines, or more commonly, AI systems are powered with advanced machine learning and deep learning algorithms that make machines intelligent. However, the definition of AI has certainly altered in recent years. Earlier, even a simple function to perform calculations inside a calculator would have been considered to be an AI component. However, now, it’s just a mere computer program. Let’s understand how the various levels of AI exist.